Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What I Want Wednesdays: #14 (2014 Holiday Edition)


Hey everyone! Check out this collab post I wrote with Michelle from jst.hero

For those of you who don't know Michelle, she's an awesome beauty blogger from Australia whom I met through Beautifan. She has a corner on her blog called "What I Want Wednesdays" where she introduces and writes about products that have caught her eye lately. For this week, I was invited to be a part of her special holiday edition WIWW. Please click here and check out the post! ^^ I hope you guys enjoy it and have a great day~ 

P.S. I will be back next week with many reviews since it's Thanksgiving Break! Be prepared to be annoyed by my (hopefully) daily posts haha.



  1. Ohh I love reading the blogs of both of you girls! ^ w ^
    All of the Christmas themed beauty products coming out are exciting! ^ u ^

  2. Glad to hear that Paige! ^^ Thank you for your support. I agree, the holidays are one of the most exciting times of the year when it comes to new collections.


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