Saturday, November 1, 2014

Memebox Scentbox #4 Floral Review

The box reviewed was sponsored by Memebox. All thoughts and opinions expressed are mine and 100% honest. 

Who's a fan of floral scents here? 
... not me. 

When I saw that I was sent the Memebox Scentbox #4 Floral for review, I was prepared to reject everything in it. As I was opening this box I pretty much expected myself to dislike the scent of every product. Don't get me wrong, I don't find floral scents entirely repulsive. As someone who's sensitive to scents though, I oftne find them too strong and flowery, thus giving me a headache. However, it seems like that's not entirely the case with this box, luckily. But before I start the review here's some information about Memebox for those who haven't heard about them yet. 

Memebox, pronounced "Mi-mi-box", is a Korean beauty box and e-commerce retailer that is based in Korea. Currently the #1 beauty box provider in Korea, they started shipping to the US and other countries (see the list here to see which countries they ship to) back in November 2013. They do not offer monthly subscription plans, but they're constantly releasing new boxes every month. At the moment they carry four different types of beauty boxes: 
  • Memebox Global BoxThe original Memebox ($23 + shipping) that comes with 4-8 full-sized products and deluxe samples.
  • Memebox Special Edition: Designed to meet various concerns, beauty trends, and seasonal needs, this box also comes with 4-8 full-sized products and deluxe samples. The prices range from $19-$32 + shipping. 
  • Superbox: Made up of full-sized products only, each Superbox comes with its own theme, designed to target specific concerns or collaborations with a brand. Prices start at $19 + shipping. 
  • Luckybox: Products in this box are based on selections from past Memeboxes. Luckyboxes aren't released as frequently as the other boxes, and are priced at $23 + shipping with 4-8 full-sized products and deluxe samples.
In addition to beauty boxes, Memebox also has a Memeshop where they sell products from numerous Korean cosmetic and skincare brands.

Here is the information card with the details, descriptions, and instructions of each product included:
(Please excuse the awful quality of the photos in this post. OTL I have no idea what happened, and the lighting was weird and bad that day.)

1. Sally's Box Friendly Cherry Blossom Hand Mask
샐리스박스 프렌들리 체리블라썸 핸드 마스크
Size: 6g (full size)
Value: $2 (retail price: 2,000 원)

One of the products I didn't reject- yay! Any type of mask is always welcomed, and (from my experience) cherry blossom scents are usually one of the lighter floral scents. It came with a pamphlet with information on every type of mask Sally's Box carries. I haven't tried this yet but I will be looking forward to using it once the cold, harsh winds start to come in. 

2. ESTHE Shower Cologne 
에스떼 샤워코롱
Size: 100ml (full size)
Value: $26 (retail price: 21,900원)

Isn't the packaging for this pretty? The name is certainly interesting though, since I've always associated cologne as a guy thing. You're supposed to spray this all over your body after a shower and it'll supposedly absorb quickly, leaving your skin moisturized and leaving you feeling "flirty-fresh all day". The scent for this one seems okay and not too strong, so I'm willing to give it a try. Out of the three possible scents, I received this in Floral Dream.

3. L'OCEAN Feromonika Perfume
로쎄앙 페로모니카 퍼퓸 향수
Size: 10ml (full size)
Value: $12 (retail price: 10,000원)

This would be the perfect perfume to bring with you everywhere due to its size... if it wasn't a very strong floral scent. However I do know a lot of people who would love this scent so it really depends on the person. I received this in 10 Paros Rosas. Apparently this is supposed to be a copy of Anna Sui's "Night of Fancy", but since I haven't tried that scent before I can't really comment on it. Personally I think it's way too strong, so off it goes to the reject pile. And what is "Feromonika" supposed to mean anyways? 

4. Secret Key Perfume Hand Cream
시크릿키 쁘띠퍼퓸 핸드크림
Size: 30g
Value: $10 (retail price: 8,000원)

This seems to be a discontinued product, since I couldn't find it anywhere on Secret Key's official website. Anyways~ I received this in no. 3 Orange Citrus Rose. I'm not sure what it is about this scent, but I just don't like it. It's not particularly strong or anything, In fact, my parents said there was barely any scent at all when I asked them to smell it. There's just something about it that I don't like... however, since my mom is a fan of hand creams and she liked this, I passed it on to her. Plus I have a set of 4 hand creams coming my way so I didn't really have room more another one (any guesses on what the set is? hint: the packaging is very girly and princess-y). Apparently this (like the Feromonika Perfume), is supposed to smell like another high-end perfume from Dior, called "Blooming Bouquet". Again, I haven't smelled Dior's perfume before so I can't comment on whether or not the two scents are alike. 

Total value: $50 (total retail price value: 41,900원)

My thoughts:

Since I gave away 2 out of the 4 products in this box, I'd say this was a miss for me. However, for those who do like floral scents I think this would be a hit. It would've been nicer if there was something else provided in place of one of the perfumes, but since they are different in some ways, I'll let it pass this time. I thought it was really cool how two of the products were supposed to smell like other high-end, expensive perfumes. If they really do smell like those perfumes then that's pretty awesome. However, I'm not a fan of floral scents so... it'd be awesome for those who are! For $15, I think the amount and type of products included are pretty nice, since most perfumes cost more than $15 and this one came with two. 

Are you interested in trying out a Memebox? Although the Scentbox #4 Floral is sold out, there's plenty more options for you to choose from! Memebox has a ton of available Memeboxes and Superboxes right now, so head on over and check them out. I personally am eyeing the Garden of Eden and My Lovely Boutique box, and hope to try them someday. Memebox also recently released their latest collaboration box with Samantha Schuerman, another Youtuber. Also, great news! On November 3rd, Memebox will begin selling their Memebox x Pony palette! For those of you who don't know Pony, she's a very famous ulzzang makeup artist and beauty blogger in Korea. If you're planning on making any purchases from Memebox this month, here are some coupon codes you can use:

DXMPM2 $5 off orders above $30 (expires 11/30)
7E1M3M $5 off orders above $30 (expires: 11/30)

What do you think of this Memebox? Which product(s) would you be interested in the most? 



  1. Ohh everything in this box looks like it would smell lovely! ^ v ^

  2. I'm totally interested in trying out a Memebox however they don't ship to Malaysia as for now so have no chance to try it out yet ; -;
    I'm with you, I often find them too strong and flowery, thus giving me a headache. The only product attract my attention for this memebox is Sally's Box Friendly Cherry Blossom Hand Mask *^*

  3. If you like floral scents then it definitely would smell lovely for you~ Thanks for reading Paige! ^^

  4. Haha yeah, only the hand mask is truly interesting in this mask. Everything else is just kind of meh.

    I hope they ship to Malaysia soon!

  5. writing about scents is a hard thing :) Thank you for sharing your opinions ^^

  6. I agree, it's so difficult to describe scents sometimes when they have nothing to compare to! Thank you for reading Merve ^^


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