Sunday, July 20, 2014

Update + I'm Back!

Hello everyone! 

I'm terribly sorry for the lack of posts for nearly 2 months. As those of you who follow my Instagram may know, I went to China on June 23. Now, you might be wondering, what does that have to do with anything? Unfortunately, it has to do with everything. A lot of social networks are blocked in China, such as Facebook, YouTube, and of course Blogger just had to be included in the list. Due to that, I wasn't able to log on, post, or read posts by others. :/ There is good news though! 

Did anyone miss me? Loljk who am I kidding OTL 

And I'll be updating every day until you guys are sick of seeing me in your blog feed. Just kidding. But I will post at least once a week, that I can promise you. Speaking of posts, here's what I was wondering- are any of you interested in reading about my nearly-one-month-long trip? If you guys are, then I will gladly start sorting through pictures and putting things into parts. It may take me awhile but I'll try my best to get the first part up in the middle of August (or earlier). If not, then I won't go through all that trouble ^^;

This is just a quick update. Starting tomorrow, I'll be posting reviews at least once a week. I'm so behind on everything. According to Bloglovin I have over 250 posts to read, so for those of you who thought that I was ignoring your posts (which I would never do!), I didn't intend to do so. OTL Anyways, I'm off to catch up on Running Man lol Let's just say it's good to be home after spending a month in a very polluted atmosphere.

Thank you to the lovely Zyro for shouting at me to update and telling me that she missed my reviews xD Good-bye for now~



  1. Welcome back, Gloria! I would love to read about your trip and see pictures!
    I just caught up on all the Running Man episodes tonight, haha. Enjoy. :P

  2. Welcome back! I love reading travel posts, if you feel like writing one. :)

  3. Welcome back Gloria! I hope you had fun on your trip~ I would love to hear about your trip if it's not too much trouble. ^-^ Looking forward to reading your reviews again :D

  4. WEEBEE. I'm definitely want to read post about your trip! Cough, I'm still waiting for your review! Hahaha. I missed your reviews until I actually dreamt of it, it's weird I know but it's the truth! lol. I dreamt that I read your review and your review was super detailed (detailer that what you currently have haha) in my dream until I was like "Gloria... are you serious, this is too detailed." LOL.

  5. Thank you, Terri :D
    Did you watch the newest episode (the one with Baek Ji Young)? I couldn't stop laughing! I think the girl guests were the funniest they ever had because they didn't care about their images at all.

  6. Thanks Rebecca! :) It'll take me awhile to sort everything out but I definitely will try to write the travel post soon.

  7. Thank you Catherine! ^^ It was fun but there were some bad parts too, especially when it came to the hygiene/air pollution and what it did to my skin >__< I'll be elaborating on that in my travel post when I find time to write it lol

  8. Okay I'll write it LOL And I have a review half-ready, I'll post it tomorrow! Should I make it like your dream? Haha just kidding. I think no one would want to read my reviews if it became even more detailed. I feel like they're already too long for some people xD

  9. GLORIAAAAAAAA!!!! i missed you!!!! ;_; But I ope you had fun in China! I know what you mean about all the social networking being blocked. >.< I went to Beijing for two weeks. But apparently some of the students at the university i visited had access to them. :P (shh..don't tell~) But it's always nice to unplug from life once in awhile. :) I can't wait till you blog more with your awesomeness~ :D

    Love, Aimee

    My Blog | Join my Blogiversary International Giveaway!

  10. I saw that episode! Man, the women were ruthless! It was so funny. The comedian Lee Guk Joo has got some killer dance moves, too.

  11. Haha now I'm waiting for a post about your trip! NOOOO just no. Don't torture me lol jk. Yes true LOOL but I'll still read but tbh I'll skip some parts if it's too long haha.


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