Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Review: A'Pieu Essential Source Snail Vital Cream

A'Pieu renewed their Essential Source Snail line sometime in the fall last year I believe, and instead of the Essential Source Snail Cream they released the Essential Source Snail Vital Cream (whew that's a mouthful). From what I know, the difference between this cream and the previous cream is that they feed the snails with red ginseng, which somehow makes the snail filtrate more healthy(?) for your skin, and nutritious. I'm not sure if the red ginseng actually makes a difference. ^^; Anyways, let's start with the review~

 어퓨 에센셜 소스 스네일 바이탈 크림 
Name: A'Pieu Essential Source Snail Vital Cream
Price: 24,000
Size: 50 ml
Directions: Apply a thin layer after cleansing before using toner (skin).
Ingredients: Snail Secretion Filtrate (80%), Water, Butylene Glycol, Niacinamide, Hydroxyethyl Acrylate/Sodium Acryloyldimethyl Taurate Copolymer, Portulaca Oleracea Extract, Ginseng Extract, Carrot Seed Extract, Macadamia Seed Extract, Amaranth Seed Extract, Carrot Seed Extract, Camu Camu Seed Extract, Panthenol, Jojoba Seed Extract, Adenosine, PEG -32, Ethyl hexanediol, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, PPG 26 Buteth 26, Glyceral Caprylate, Disodium EDTA

To be honest I thought this cream didn't have anything that was bad in it, but after looking at the ingredients (which I should've done in the beginning OTL), there's actually quite a few ingredients that scored just so-so in terms of safety. I'm not very knowledgeable at all when it comes to ingredients, but if you look at the list of ingredients I uploaded onto COSDNA here and click on the names of them, you'll get more information. Hopefully in the future I'll be able to give you more information on the good and bad ingredients, but for now COSDNA will have to do. ^^; 

Dimensions: 6 cm x 6.2 cm x 8.5 cm
The box is very plain and simple, but the jar itself is completely different from what you would expect from such a plain box.

Diameter: 5.8 cm | Height: 8 cm

The jar is absolutely gorgeous and the color looks like pale gold. The lid is made of plastic and the jar is made of glass, but it seems pretty sturdy, although I would still be cautious when handling it if your floor is made of wood or tiles. 

There's a protective lid (I think it's made of rubber) on top of the opening of the jar. However a lot of times it's actually stuck to the bottom of the lid. ^^;

A spatula is also included, although the shape is a bit strange. 

There isn't really any scent at all. If you lean in to smell it, it just smells... fresh? I don't really know how to explain it, but unless you lean in super close you won't smell anything.

There isn't any color to this at all, and it's like a gel cream. However according to A'Pieu this is actually a skin booster that you're supposed to use before applying a toner. I thought that was kind of strange at first since it is a cream, but now I see why. Although the texture is very similar to a gel cream, this isn't very moisturizing. > < I have combination skin and this probably provided as much moisture as a normal toner would. So people with dry skin wouldn't find this useful as a cream at all, although people with very oily skin might like it. 

You don't need a lot, I only use about this much every time.

The cream is really easy to spread and absorbs extremely fast. Even though it contains 80% snail filtrate, it's not sticky at all. It's also light and kind of watery (not in the way that it's runny, but it kind of feels like those aloe gels), which is probably why it's not very moisturizing.

This cream didn't work out at all for me, and it actually caused me to get little bumps on my forehead where I usually break out. I thought it was this other product that was doing that but turns out it's this. I used this for nearly a month before I figured that out (I felt so foolish when I did OTL). What's funny is that when I gave this to my mom to try, it didn't break her out at all. It really depends on the person I guess, because I've seen a lot of positive reviews on this cream by Korean bloggers. I would say that it slightly brightened my skin a bit, but it's not really noticeable. Other than that this was a disappointment. :/

-Not sticky
-Gorgeous packaging
-Includes spatula
-Absorbs quickly
-Brightens skin slightly

-Not moisturizing enough
-Somewhat expensive
-Broke me out
-Not travel friendly

Overall Score: 2/5

Repurchase? Definitely not, but from the amount of positive reviews I've seen from other people, I wouldn't tell anyone not to buy it.

Where to buy:
iBuyBeauti $32.99 (free shipping)
W2Beauty $31.33 (free shipping)

What about you?
Would you be interested in trying out this snail cream? What other snail creams have you tried before? 


  1. Aww...I'm sorry this product didn't work for you! I've never tried any products from A'Pieu before. I really do love the sturdy and pretty packaging~ I tried snail cream before...I think it was Missha's Super Aqua Snail Cream? (>.< not too sure..it was a while ago xD) All I remember was that the the cream was extremely moisturizing. Maybe a bit too moisturizing since it never sunk into my skin and instead just sat on my face. >< So I've just been sticking to my Laneige water sleeping mask for those days when I want moisture to my skin over night.

    (maybe it's just me...but i hate using creams during the day...just face lotion >.< I always end up looking like an oily mess if I put too much creams on my face during the day OTL)

    Long post~ But anyway, thanks for the review! :) I'm sure you'll find a better snail cream out there! (Maybe they need to feed the snails something stronger than red ginseng xD)

    Love, Aimee

  2. It is said to be good on acne scars :) did you see any improvement on your skin about acne scars?
    I g-foolow you via GFC for a long time, today also started to follow you via google+ and bloglovin :) please visit my blog ;)meishenmeweishenme.blogspot.com

  3. Unfortunately no. :/ I didn't really see any benefits at all from using this cream. Like I mentioned in the review, it just caused me to break out. And thank you for reading and following, I'd be happy to check out your blog. :)

  4. Awww, it sucks that it made you break out. Hopefully, your skin improves! I have combination skin like you do so I'm not that interested in trying this snail cream. Dry patches is always a concern of mine so I need a cream that's moisturizing~

    Snail creams are pretty popular in the Korean skincare world so the first snail cream product I tried was the TonyMoly Intense Repair Live Snail Eye Cream a long time ago. To be honest, it was a long time ago since I used it so I don't remember if it worked really well...It didn't cause me to break out though so maybe you can try it?

  5. Thanks Catherine :) I hope so too. I actually have combination normal/oily skin so this definitely wouldn't be good dry patches. I think they just released a new finish cream for this line that is a lot more moisturizing though, but I'm probably not going to try it since this one didn't work out.

    I've never tried Tony Moly skincare products before. lol Maybe I'll try that one. I haven't really had much luck with snail products so I'm thinking about just giving up on them. ;__;

  6. the price of this product is a killer. i would never buy this. I've tried Mizon's one before.

  7. I think if the product actually worked for me I wouldn't have minded the price so much. I've tried Mizon's before too but that one also broke me out > <

  8. I'm sorry to hear that this product doesn't work on you :( Thanks for reviewing. I haven't used snail cream before, still finding one that'd suit on my skin type.


    MITCH | Click to join OhDearBumblebees' Giveaway~*

  9. I was disappointed when it didn't either, but at least someone else was able to use it so it didn't go to waste. ^^; I haven't had much luck with snail creams, but I hope you find one that suits you. Thank you for reading Mitch :)

  10. Thanks for the review! I love snail mucin products, though this one doesn't seem like the best. Also, I hope this is okay to say, but all of your pictures are so bright that I can barely see what's in them :(


  11. Products containing snail filtrate never really benefitted me much. > < I thought this one would be good because I saw so many positive reviews on it by Korean bloggers but I guess not. Thank you for reading Laura! :)

    Of course I don't mind you saying that, things like that are actually helpful. I've noticed that depending on your screen, some photos can look too bright. For instance the photos look fine on my laptop screen but when I used my brother's computer once, the pictures were really bright. I'm sorry you have trouble seeig the pictures though :/ I'll see what I can do, but for the time being can I suggest adjusting the brightness contrast of your screen? I found that that helped a lot on my brother's computer. ^^;

  12. Aww I almost consider this product when I'm looking for snail cream xD thank you for your review Gloria ^^ gorgeous photos like usual ^^

  13. Yeah too bad it didn't work out. > < I think we have similar reactions to skincare products- I heard that you broke out from using Benton products as well right? In that case I definitely wouldn't suggest this to you ^^;

    Haha I'm really flattered but that compliment is too much, especially when I have plenty of room for improvement. Thank you for reading Misa~ ^^ It's always so nice to get a comment from you.

  14. Did you hear from Tiffany? Haha but you're right! That's why I always read your reviews cause it seems we have similar skin type ^^ did you try mizon? I just ordered the snail cream but wondering if you've tried it keke seriously your photos are always nice ^^

  15. Yes I did xD I've tried a sample of Mizon before but since I only used it for a few days there wasn't much of an effect. The texture of the cream was quite nice though, it didn't feel oily and it was lightweight. ^^ I'd love to see your review on that once you get it. So far I haven't had any luck with snail creams so I'm pretty close to giving up. ;__;

  16. I've never really had much luck with snail creams so I'm thinking about just sticking with basic moisturizing creams. ^^; I love my Laneige Water Sleeping Pack :D Whenever my skin gets dry (which has been happening a lot lately) I use it and it does wonders. I actually don't really like using creams during the day either but since the weather is cold right now I find that just a lotion isn't enough sometimes. > <

    LOL That really makes me wonder what the next big ingredient will be though, there's already been so many crazy trends that when I heard about the red ginseng I just kind of went "Oh... whatever". I enjoyed reading your comment, it wasn't long at all :) Thanks for reading Aimee <3

  17. Too bad it didn't work for you. I've seen some good reviews as well but maybe that depends on person. Thank you for your review anyway :)

  18. Everyone's skin is different, so there'll always be someone who loves the product you dislike, haha. I think it really just depends on the person. Thank you for reading Mizu! :)


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